Design and simulate optical systems and lasers with Commod Pro
Commod Pro is a unattained mean of simulation in optics and lasers. Numerous examples are available.
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Conduct your project to extreme light !
Commod ProDesign and optimize your complex beam propagation systems. It is Oxalis-Laser's leading product, Commod Pro provides you an unattained mean to simulate extreme light.
ThermOptGet access to wavefront distortion and polarization state changes of a complete optical or laser system. Modeling of thermo-mechanical and induced optical effect is a key point in your projects, ThermOpt will help you go beyond.
SpirDesign and simulate your pumping stage for a better control of the energy deposition in your active medium. Files can also be used with Commod Pro.
SimCaVery accessible software dedicated to fast studies of laser cavities.
• Commod Pro new features
- Re-calculation feature:
This new post-processing function allows the user to simulate and get the beam state in any plane inside a component. This re-calculation can be processed on any component of the optical system. It enables to follow the output beam of a multipass pass amplifier. For beam filtering application, this feature allows to determine and track image planes.
- New Fast Fourier Transform libraries:
Those optimized algorithms leads to fast simulation of the Fresnel diffraction. Calculation times are reduced significantly. The calculation time can be divided by a factor of two in some applications. This saves time and cost in designing a complex optical system.
- Few-Cycle Pulse propagationTHEY ALREADY TRUST US
« CP is a powerful tool for the optical simulation of complex multi-component systems containing passive, active and nonlinear media. CP was capable of accurately benchmarking published experiments using separate nonlinear OPO and DFM crystals in a resonant cavity. CP is currently being employed to optimize an OPO+DFM configuration for a commercial frequency conversion application. »
- Dr. R. Slater - RSPhotonix LLC
« What can Oxalis-Laser assure you is that what we simulate for frequency conversion modules is exactly what we measured. And we can assure you that this challenging issue is valuable for us »
- Georgios Tzeremes, Optoelectronic Engineer - European Space Agency